Olympics are on our screens pretty much non stop.
Jon and me do not love sports.
We kind of avoid them like the plague.
But the Olympics?
That's another story.
Nav is getting into them and Rohk remains un-interested.
So far Rugby Sevens has been my favourite to watch.
Those women are kick-ass awesome!
When we are not watching athletes compete for medals,
I have been cleaning and purging like a mad woman.
I'm in a mood.
My home feels lighter because I know the closets and drawers and shelves are emptier.
The kiddo's had a good room purge of their accumulated junk and now I can focus on camping this weekend and getting Nav ready for bible camp next week.
My girl, the nine year old that she is, will be going to bible camp for the first time ever next week! She is soo excited!! Both me and Jon loved bible camp so we really hope Nav does as well. It was her birthday present from us and my parents.
In recent years we have started moving away from giving presents and towards giving experiences. Like bible camp.
The older I get, the more I shun the idea of giving stuff for the sake of giving stuff. I would rather have less and experience more with the people love.
I've stopped asking my kids what they want for birthdays or Christmas because I think it sends the wrong message. (I just pay attention to them and what they like.) If the build up to these celebrations is about fulfilling a wish list, the beauty of the day is lost.
I love giving my kids good gifts, and they have had some pretty amazing ones. But I would rather they be excited to plan an entire day of birthday celebrations just the way they want it to be with their favourite people than focus on the one gift they want and they might not get.
I would rather focus on the season of advent and go to lots of Christmas concerts with loved ones instead of putting all our energies towards one morning of excess just because we are supposed to do that on Christmas morning.
Birthday's get to look a certain way around here because in general, you are allowed to do whatever you want for a birthday.
Birthday celebrations are my very favourite.
Breaking away from the Christmas usual is infinitely more difficult. Every year, I dread more and more the Christmas season.
The combination of not being able to eat Christmas baking and the ability to buy perfect presents have led me to question everything about how Christmas is celebrated.
And I have decided that Christmas stinks.
The expectations for what it needs to look like, how much I need to buying and giving and donating...
It's a money grab for everyone and I'm really over it.
So I sound super bitter!
Here is a list of things that make me happy:
Summer holidays rule
Star Trek (the original series) is perfect to have on while I bake
I love my bike
Rohk making jello this morning was pure joy
Nav crafting all day, every day
Inside jokes with Jon
This meme
found here
Here is a list of things that make me happy:
Summer holidays rule
Star Trek (the original series) is perfect to have on while I bake
I love my bike
Rohk making jello this morning was pure joy
Nav crafting all day, every day
Inside jokes with Jon
This meme
found here