Sunday, 16 March 2014

Info-graphics are fun.
Here are 2 I liked and 1 I found very interesting.  

I hope you all have a Sunday that is soul refreshing and calm.
I know that's what I want!

Dark roast coffee is my favourite and I like red wine

As far as I know, there are no serial killers in my family line and I was not abused as a child. 
Phew.  I was worried that I might be a mass murderer!


  1. i like dark sweet stout and dark roast coffee. excellent!
    i'm hermoine and andrew is draco. hilarious!
    whoa. serial killers/psychopaths. fascinating!

  2. These are really fun. I told Ben he was Draco and he was offended..."Isn't he a bad guy?". lol. I think it's funny I'm the spacey Luna, but I did like her a lot.
    The psychopaths brains thing is interesting. We talk about this a lot in our house because of our line of work. The lack of empathy for others is something really hard to teach...and now I see why!
