I have dreams of one day having a room dedicated to dishes. And a LARGE portion of that room will be for mixing bowls. If there was room in my house, I would collect mixing bowls. Practical and lovely to look at. Mixing bowls can be used for, obviously, mixing things, but they are also good for serving large salads or soups, displaying fruits and veggies or I use one as my odds and ends "drawer".
Here are some lovely pottery mixing bowls from Etsy
Here are the links to the bowls above. Sorry, they are all out of order. My coffee is getting cold and I need to finish this up!
mixing bowl another mixing bowl this one hippy bowl what!? another bowl? bowls bowls bowls more bowl links pottery is expensive everyone needs a white mixing bowl i heart bowls
For those of you who faithfully read these entries, I will probably take a break from blogging this summer... not like I am a regular blogger by any stretch of the imagination! However, I would feel badly to just disappear without letting you all know. There have been blogs I have followed and all of a sudden, the writer disappears without explanation and the blog is over.
I just want to hang out with my kids outside more.
The End
love these glimpses into your mind and heart. thanks.