Tuesday, 24 February 2015

It's been 6 months since I began leading music at church.

And I still hold to the belief that a song is only worth singing if EVERYONE is singing.  

Well, the majority anyway.

We lead music as an expression of... (fill in the blank)  to our God and unless the congregation is joining in, it's a show.

Personally, I don't go to church Sunday morning for a show.  I go to participate in a worship service.  I like being an active participant.

I am thinking of this because I am currently trying to choose songs for an upcoming service and my very favourite thing is when we are singing and worshipping together.  Nothing in all the world beats a room full of people all singing in unison.  I love it.  And I think my saviour does as well.

But it's hard.  Because we all come from different back-grounds and I song I know like the back of my hand from 1993 might be brand spanking new to someone else.

And so, I gingerly and prayerfully consider the songs to be sung.

Doing my best to ensure they are singable, known and lovely.


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