Thursday, 12 March 2015

That picture was from Rohk's birthday.   We had fun that night.

I like starting entries with pictures.  I just do.  
Now, onto thoughts totally unrelated to this picture.

I ponder to much.  I get stuck in my head.  In college the school therapist told me that I didn't need counselling, I just needed to talk out the thoughts in my head.

So, I have gotten better at talking about the swirling mass of things I think about.  If I don't, they build up and I explode or I get really depressed.   

Recently I was quoted a Proverb that says it is better to be quiet than talk a lot so that you don't appear a fool.  ( see here )

It's true.  I probably speak to freely what I am thinking.  And I have had to deal with the fallout of a wild tongue.


I would rather appear a fool and be apologizing for stupid things I say or words that have not been stupid but have caused un-intentional hurt than be quiet in the corner for the sake of appearances.  

   Because what other's might perceive as me being loud and foolish is actually me 
being my authentic self.  

I do bite my tongue.  A lot.  You have no idea.

But for those that keep so much of themselves hidden, they might think that I have no restraint. 

If you have known me for any amount of time, you have noticed a shift in who I am.  And you know that I do not speak as freely as I once did.  I don't pick battles as often as I used to.

So it is interesting to me when I am all of a sudden put in proximity to very "religious" people that equate keeping their lives hidden with being holy.

I don't buy it.

So, when I was told that singing was for boys, I kept my mouth shut.  (ARE YOU SERIOUS!!??   REALLY!!??  Think about that person.  Think really really hard.)

When, in all seriousness, I was informed that math is for boys and art is for girls, frankly I was gobsmacked into silence.  Now I would challenge that one straight up.

Some people in my life think I agree with their life choices because of my silence, and they are wrong.  What does me saying anything do?  It harms our relationship and nothing I say or do will change what they are doing.  So, I keep quiet. 

Thank you for walking me through what I think about Proverbs 17: 27-28.
Apparently I needed to sort out some swirling thoughts. 

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