Thursday, 24 April 2014

 I love this picture of Naveed.  It is so tricky to get her in candid shots with her beautiful smile.  She is my favourite girl in all the world.

 On Easter Sunday my parents came out for a late lunch.  This is my mom.  I love her.  This is also a weird angle of my face.  Ha! We took the kids out for a walk after we were done eating.  It was a beautiful day.

The next 2 pictures are a before and after from yesterday.  I had not done dishes since Monday!  I found the weekend to be very draining and I did not care to do the dishes until I had replenished my reserves.  I require a fair amount of down time to take care of myself after I have given much of myself in situations I find difficult or where a situation demands I be very extroverted for a long amount of time.  Self care, for me, allowed me not to do my dishes and to serve my family hot dogs on napkins, 2 suppers in a row.  My kids thought they had died and gone to heaven.

What do you think of this mud hole?!  Any suggestions about how to build a retaining wall without actually building a retaining wall?  The fence is (or was) on the property line and the mud is the neighbors yard.  I went to City Hall and they have issued a warning to the owner.  He needs to change how he has the sump pump, according to the by-laws he needs to have a different plan for drainage.  What I find the most frustrating is that our patio stones are starting to fall away into that mud pit and I don't feel like I have say in the matter.  Until he fixes the ditch and unsupported dirt, I can't do anything.  He wants to dig a new ditch through the other side of yard for proper drainage but I don't trust him to do a good job.  This mud hole has been getting worse for 5 years now.  And has done next to nothing to fix it.  I am angry.  I am worried about property damage.  The City is doing everything they can.  I wish he would just sell the house so I could deal with someone else.

So, there is an update on that!

Here is how Rohk left his breakfast "plate" yesterday.  (I hadn't done the dishes yet :)  I love how ordered he is.  I totally get it!

My girl creating something with glue and glitter.  What else does a girl need really!?

And Rohk was playing in the sand box.  There is actually a box there.

And then he wanted to glitter something as well!

Thanks for stopping by.
The End.

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