Thursday, 3 April 2014

My opinion of what a home should be is this

It needs to be tidy, loved, lived in and have some colour.
My home is not a display case for pretty things that cannot be touched.
I need to feel at home in my home and so do my husband and kids.

With that said!  Here are some pictures of rooms that I have in an imaginary home that I own.

I can see me and my family living in all the rooms...  well.  Except the pink rooms.  Jon HATES pink and I kind of love it.

However!!  Since I am imagining this home, I will also imagine that Jon and I share a love of pink!!  Perfect. 

So this is my favourite style of house.  They are from the Arts&Craft movement in the early 1900's.
I can see myself living in a house like this very easily.

This is the back door to the kitchen, of course.

And this is a great kitchen.  Cozy, inviting and wanting for some lively conversation with loved ones.  The only thing I would change would be the chairs.  They really should be wood, all painted and mismatched.

The next 4 pictures are the 4 living rooms I have.  Because I can.  It's my imaginary house.

And some bedrooms are needed.
This is the master bedroom. It's a good thing Jon loves pink!

Guest Bedrooms 1 and 2

The kids will be allowed to decorate their own rooms so they don't get imaginary rooms in my house.  
Who knows what they will do!  I just can't get into their brains for that one.

And this is where we will dine outside.  I think it is perfection.

Thank you for visiting my imaginary home.
The End


  1. what a lovely post. i love the idea of an imaginary home, and i've greatly enjoyed visiting yours. *happy sigh*

    1. I want to see what your imaginary home would look like! Maybe you could do a guest post!!! *gasp*

  2. "Its a good thing Jon loves pink!!!" Laughed out loud. Love your photos. Kate Pops

    1. Hello! :) Thanks so much Kate Also, I love that you laughed out loud. :)
