Friday, 24 June 2016

I love giving my kids my camera and then seeing the pictures they take.  Nav took the one above and the next two.

These ones are Rohk's.

We went for a little bike ride down Main St. while preparations were being made Steinbach's annual summer event.
Summer In The City.
We had some treats while we watched.

On Saturday the four of us got our ride bracelets and went on as many rides as possible.
Sort of.

Nav and Jon did.
Rohk and me could probably get tickets next time.

My camera was next to the water bottles and the first pictures on the Ferris wheel were foggy.  

The weekend before we were at White Lake with Jon's parents.

I feel that it's good to try things, 
say you did them and then next time, 
do it differently.

Also, we have a mouse problem.
So for we have trapped 2, at least one more to go,
My house has been a version of the above picture for almost a week now.  A wonderful friend just dropped off a different solution to this problem.  I really hope it works!!

Happy Friday everyone!!

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

We can disagree about everything and still treat 
each other with kindness.

(I read that somewhere.  Now I can't find it.)

This about wraps up my thoughts about all things that cause contention when it comes to matters of people following other religions and alternative lifestyles from my own.

"Alternative lifestyles"
Is that even politically correct to say??
I will need to look into that.


The way I see it, pointing angry fingers at the 
"other side" and throwing around put downs at 
people living lives differently from ours, 
is not helping anybody.

I can't make you change your mind about (fill in the blank)
and you can't make me change my mind about (fill in the blank)

And everything ends up in one big angry brawl of words and actions.  Nobody is winning.

I get to treat every single human being on this earth with dignity and respect and kindness without ANY agenda other than that.

That never ever violates anything anyone believes in.

I probably disagree with you about a tonne of stuff.
Where do you want to begin?

(If you are a christian,one man and one woman for life.  
If you are not - it's totally up to you what you do)

(I'm winging it here folks)

Breastfeeding in public?
(Feed as you need to ladies.  Bottle, breast, wherever)

Organic food?
(If I could, 100 mile diet is the best option.  But I totally buy GMO canola oil and tuna in a can.)

(Yes to pills and such, no to abortion)

(Sign me up!)

(If you are not a Christian, do as you please!
If you are a Christian, it's not ok.)

(I find it so fascinating and it informs much of my decisions but really, what is feminism?  First wave, second wave, third wave, fourth wave...    
Still, love to all the feminists.) 

(Yes.  But not like a sailor)

One way to heaven?
(Yes.  Jesus only.)

Speaking in tongues?

(I just pray for Justin to have wisdom and strength.  
And for Trump not to win.)

Pre-marital sex?
(Nope.  Save it for the wedding night.)

I can bet you money that no matter who you are, 
chances are good, 
we will not see eye to eye on a lot of these topics.

And I am so comfortable with that.
Like my favourite pj's comfortable.

You don't need to agree with me.
And I really don't need to agree with you.

Lots of the people I love the MOST would disagree with me on a number of the topics I list above.

I don't need to be surrounded by people that think 
and act exactly like me.  
I don't need to be with people who only want to 
change what I think/believe about any given topic.

Accepting differences is a part of life.
We can discuss our differences but not from a defensive posture because that does nothing.
Maybe talking about how we are different better informs what we already believe.
Maybe it shifts what we think.

Those are both good things as far as I am concerned!

I am truly saddened for the lives that were taken 
in Florida this week, for their families and friends.  
I am so sad for the entire LGBT community and what they endure.
I am so sad for all Muslims that are unjustly targeted because of this.

Sadness stirs deep in my heart for the entire situation.
It's really really heartbreaking to think about.

No matter what anyone thinks or believes, 
each community needs to be treated with 
respect, dignity and kindness, 
absent of any agenda.  

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

My last days of high school are tainted by memories of working in a fruit stand.  It was my third summer working there and before I started for that summer, I knew it was a wrong decision.

God had told me not to work there.
And I totally ignored Him.


To this day, I have huge regret about not listening to my 
kind heavenly father.

Because what happened in those weeks there have been repercussions that have haunted me ever since.

Being the innocent 18 year old I was, 
(No joke - super innocent.  Point of Grace was my favourite band.)
(Also, I went to school in Ontario when OAC's were a thing.  
Also known as, Grade 13, so that explains my age)
I had no concept of being cautious or guarded with certain types of people.

And my bosses were people that I needed to keep at arm's length.
Instead, I sacrificed real friendships with peers for time with them.  


My mom was over yesterday and we were talking about my last post.  She figured that I for sure needed to ask God what my wounding was that would cause me to have such a strong reaction to people putting absolutes on me.
(Our private conversation was not as vague so she got the nitty gritty details.)

And my confession here is that I really don't want to ask God.
Because it feels like work and I would rather hold onto my pain and justify my sense of injustice.

I don't want to ask God to help me. 
What if he ignores my request and is silent?
What if he asks me to do something really hard?

My mom is right.

So I half heartedly, with minuscule faith, with a reluctant inner posture, approached my heavenly dad and said:

"I have no idea what to say or to pray.  I'm tired and I don't want to do the work of figuring out my wounding.  I keep thinking that I don't want to ask for you for help and then I keep coming back to I really need your help.  I believe, help my unbelief."

I do not presume to know much about anything.
Especially the ways of God.

I do know he is kind.
And he loves me.
In spite of my hard heart, ingratitude and rebellion.
He is faithful.

So back to my bosses from the fruit stand.
They were Christians so I trusted them.
Because they were older than me, I trusted them.
My assumption was that I was safe in the relationship.

Until the wife started telling me things she never should have.
And in my naivete I thought I was just a really good friend for listening.  The thing is, I was not equipped to deal with confessions of illicit sexual behaviour or for "lesson's on loosing weight" that were really just ways to be anorexic.  I had no idea what to do when she told me about being raped.  I had no ability to process what she was talking about. 

And this was all very secret.
Just between her and me.
Because I was one of her best friends.

So I wanted out.
Because I knew it was time to run for the hills.
This was not a good situation and I could feel it in my bones.

The first time I quit at the fruit stand I was guilted into not quitting.
There is a vague memory of sitting in a Second Cup for a staff meeting, giving my notice and being shamed in front of all the employees.  The one line that stands out was from the wife "I knew you were going to quit."
Her guilt trip totally worked on me.
I stayed.

The second time I quit, this happened.

Me:  I am going to be a camp counsellor for the rest of the summer, this is my two weeks notice.
Boss: God will never bless you because you are not finishing the race you started here.  You will not bless those kids because you did not finish here.
Me: I am still going to be a counsellor and this is my two weeks notice.

BUT! I totally internalized his words and I wondered if he was right.  Because I trusted him.


Now how does this story make any sense in relation to a post about people owning their own shit?!

Let me explain.

I have issues with letting people control my life.
Because I don't trust myself in new situations, I readily give control over to those that I think know more.
Because I don't trust my abilities, I readily let other's tell me what to do.
Because I doubt my relationship with God, I let other's tell me what a Christian is or is not.

At the core, I don't see me how Jesus sees me and I think that other people are more worthy or knowledgeable than me so I just trust them.

And it get's me in big trouble.
Because I can't take it for long and then I lash out.
Big time.

So when I hear sweeping statement's of "Everyone..." my natural inclination is to believe the statement.

But then my wounding shows up and I get super defensive.

Cause my bosses are not the only people I let have such influence over my life.  There have been a few.

At this moment I feel the need to give some examples of what I mean by controlling.   Because sometimes control is insidious and manipulative and other times it's way more obvious.

My fruit stand bosses, without asking, took money off my cheques to go towards tuition for a bible school they thought I needed to attend.
Guilt trips are a means of getting control.
Anger can be used as a means of control.
Confronting a "fellow believer" to point out a sin in there life can be a way of gaining control.
Telling a person who they are, who they should be and who they are not can be a way of controlling a person.

I have given people power to speak things over me and take liberties that I never should have. 

In my experience, the people in my life who speak in grand sweeping absolutes, are the ones who want to silence me, change me and tell me that I am not good enough.

My knee-jerk response is from my wounding.
Maybe hashing it out here will bring some healing.

I dreamt last night that I was sitting in a coffee shop, having a coffee with a person that has really hurt me.  I was pretending to have a great time.  I looked out the window and the coffee shops name was Dignity.  All of a sudden I was at the window and there was some peeling paint around the window, so I picked at it.  Instead of making it worse, it looked better.

the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect

If I don't treat myself with dignity I won't require it of others.

This has been on my window for the last few weeks.

Monday, 6 June 2016

Grand sweeping statements of 

"we all do...." 
"everybody wrestles with..." 

or any other "statement of truth"
really get under my skin.

Nobody in all the earth should ever say those words.

(Unless it's about eating, breathing or sleeping.)

Let me tell you why I have such a strong reaction to those statements.

(This post is from YEARS worth of things being spoken at me.  It's not about you.)

At the core, these statements are never true.

Because the person stating the above fact assumes that 
"everyone" is them.  And no two people are the same.
Some people face the same issues and handle them in a specific way but never ever does EVERYBODY react to a situation the same.  My experience has been that the person applying this "truth" statement to the world is actually talking about themselves but lacks the ability to own their actions/thoughts so they make it less personal by applying it to the universe.

Just own your own shit.
How about that.

Another reason those statements get under my skin is because when I have had those words thrown at me, the person saying them is assuming they know how I have reacted to any given situation.

They never ask me how I handled... (body image issues, in-laws, peer approval, marriage, parenting, etc.)
An assumption was made.

Here are some examples.

"We all know that everybody is keeping up with the Jones's."
"Every woman is critical of other women's bodies."
"Women don't know how to have good friends because we are intrinsically critical and mean."
"We don't know how to have good relationships because we all are so worried about what people with think of us."
"Everyone is doing marriage wrong."
"Boys are good at math & science and girls are good at language arts."
"Men only care about sex."
"Women are bad leaders."

I'll stop now.

Each of those examples are real words spoken to me.
Or rather, spoken at me without any regard to what is actually true in my life.

How about person pontificating, ask a few questions first or, 
I know this is revolutionary, 

just speak for yourself.

Maybe this post speaks more to my own issues.
And I'm sure it does.

Don't tell me who I am and what my problems are.
I'm still figuring that out.
And I will be for the rest of my life.

Who I am becoming matters to me more than anything.

And no one but Jesus get's to speak that over me.

ask my what my wrestles are and ask me about what 
I think about any given topic. 

Let's share with each other who we are, flaws and all.
But please, don't put your issues on me.
It's very presumptuous.
Own your own shit, ok?

Thursday, 2 June 2016

There are a few very vivid memories I have of music 
worship times at church.

And I am pondering why they stand out to me.
So you all get to come along for the ride of me processing here in this space.

Continue at your own risk.

The first memory that comes to mind is being in a congregation the first time I ever heard "Find Me In The River"
Up until that point, I had never heard a song so honest 
being sung in church.  
And I had never been so 
confused by church music lyrics either.

"Find me in the river,
Find me there,
Find me on my knees with my soul laid bare
Even though your gone and I'm cracked and dry
Find me in the river
I'm waiting here"

To be very honest, I'm still not sure I totally understand it.
(What river do you suppose this song is about?)
Or agree with it for that matter.
(Even though your gone - I can't sing that line)

I think I have the same questions I had as a teenager but it still evokes emotion from me it did back then.

"Find me on my knees with my soul laid bare"
Love that.

As I turn my mind to the past I think about how I was 
taught to worship at Winnipeg Centre Vineyard.
And it was a beautiful lesson.

What I took away from my time there was music is art and art is meant to express an emotion/thought and therefore, 
it should evoke an emotion/thought from those experiencing it.

And worship music needs to be authentic art.
Not expected cliches that keep us comfortable in our complacency.

Worship times at church were expressive.  There were painters and dancers and musicians and we were all active participants in worshipping Jesus.

"Here I am again
In this place again
I know that your no stranger to pain
To loneliness

Father here I come
Lay my burden's down
Knowing that you'll take me as I am
So I come
With freedom as your child
And I run into your arms.

My heart is aching for my Father
My eyes they long to see my God
This world has nothing I desire
You are what I am looking for
Hide me underneath your shelter
Cover me and I will say

I am yours
Surely I am yours."

I am struck, again, with the intimacy of these words.

I recognize that my year in that church birthed in me a desire for relationship with Christ that was based on honesty and forever more, I long for intimacy in congregational worship.

For the first time ever, I led a worship team at church last year.

It was me and my dear friend.
If it had not been for her, I might have walked away from it entirely.  She was so patient with me and my poor timing and choosing songs that no one had ever heard of.

I would try and choose songs that everyone would know but I learned that is nearly impossible!  Unless you are singing hymns, not everyone will know all the songs.

This was so frustrating to me because I am so against church music times being turned into concerts where everyone watches and no one sings/participates.  
Nothing get's under my skin more at church.

How is there supposed to be congrgational unity in worship 
if no one can sing along.

As I type this, it makes sense considering what I just wrote about being at the Vineyard.


Late in the game I figured out that the best way to have everyone sing (or nearly everyone) was to teach a simple chorus and sing it lots of times.

I know.  Not rocket science.
But do you know how difficult it is to find singable NEW songs?
I can only lead a service so many times with old hymns,making sure to sing ALL 57 verses so that we fill our time up.
No jokes.  I did that.  
Those old hymns have TONNES of verses!!

New has it's place along side the old standards.

Last year was a bad one for a number of reasons.
As a result, the music and fine arts that evoked a response from me have a certain air about them.

So leading church music was curious.
One time I picked a song that was near to my heart and that resulted in me crying uncontrollably for 30 minutes and I could not get through practising it.

"Say to those who are fearful hearted
Do not be afraid
The Lord your God will come
And with his mighty arm
When you call on his name
He will come and save you

He will come and save you
He will come and save you
Say to the weary one, your God will surely come
He will come and save you.
Lift up your eyes to him
You will arise again
He will come and save you"

On top of my inability to sing it without crying, 
no one in church even knew it!!  So that was unfortunate.

I did not take the time to teach it because, well, I would be a blubbering mess every time.

Instead, I taught this one.
I love it.
Maybe you will as well.

And if you are in the mood,
Here is the video for "I Am Yours"