Monday 11 July 2016

What I think matters to me.
I don't want to have wrong thinking.

So these last weeks I have found myself swirling around 
two topics in my mind.

Like I'm actually sure if you looked into my brain you would see an actual whirl pool of these two thoughts going 
around and around and around and around and around.....

And my emotions are swirling to match.

So last night, I wrote them down on a piece of paper, 
said a prayer of submission and trust that all of my 
worries and my doubts rested in Christ, 
and then I burned it.

And as I was falling asleep 
(These topics have wrecked my sleep for weeks now because I can't fall asleep for thinking about them.  True story.)
when these topics threatened to steal my sleep,
I remembered that Jesus knows my heart.
I can trust him.

And I remembered the smoke rising from my burned worries and I imagined them wafting up to heaven, 
where Jesus is taking care of them now.

Here are all the articles I have read about the topics troubling my heart and mind.  Along with talking to some amazing people in my life, these articles have brought me to resolution in my mind and heart. 

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