Wednesday 15 June 2016

We can disagree about everything and still treat 
each other with kindness.

(I read that somewhere.  Now I can't find it.)

This about wraps up my thoughts about all things that cause contention when it comes to matters of people following other religions and alternative lifestyles from my own.

"Alternative lifestyles"
Is that even politically correct to say??
I will need to look into that.


The way I see it, pointing angry fingers at the 
"other side" and throwing around put downs at 
people living lives differently from ours, 
is not helping anybody.

I can't make you change your mind about (fill in the blank)
and you can't make me change my mind about (fill in the blank)

And everything ends up in one big angry brawl of words and actions.  Nobody is winning.

I get to treat every single human being on this earth with dignity and respect and kindness without ANY agenda other than that.

That never ever violates anything anyone believes in.

I probably disagree with you about a tonne of stuff.
Where do you want to begin?

(If you are a christian,one man and one woman for life.  
If you are not - it's totally up to you what you do)

(I'm winging it here folks)

Breastfeeding in public?
(Feed as you need to ladies.  Bottle, breast, wherever)

Organic food?
(If I could, 100 mile diet is the best option.  But I totally buy GMO canola oil and tuna in a can.)

(Yes to pills and such, no to abortion)

(Sign me up!)

(If you are not a Christian, do as you please!
If you are a Christian, it's not ok.)

(I find it so fascinating and it informs much of my decisions but really, what is feminism?  First wave, second wave, third wave, fourth wave...    
Still, love to all the feminists.) 

(Yes.  But not like a sailor)

One way to heaven?
(Yes.  Jesus only.)

Speaking in tongues?

(I just pray for Justin to have wisdom and strength.  
And for Trump not to win.)

Pre-marital sex?
(Nope.  Save it for the wedding night.)

I can bet you money that no matter who you are, 
chances are good, 
we will not see eye to eye on a lot of these topics.

And I am so comfortable with that.
Like my favourite pj's comfortable.

You don't need to agree with me.
And I really don't need to agree with you.

Lots of the people I love the MOST would disagree with me on a number of the topics I list above.

I don't need to be surrounded by people that think 
and act exactly like me.  
I don't need to be with people who only want to 
change what I think/believe about any given topic.

Accepting differences is a part of life.
We can discuss our differences but not from a defensive posture because that does nothing.
Maybe talking about how we are different better informs what we already believe.
Maybe it shifts what we think.

Those are both good things as far as I am concerned!

I am truly saddened for the lives that were taken 
in Florida this week, for their families and friends.  
I am so sad for the entire LGBT community and what they endure.
I am so sad for all Muslims that are unjustly targeted because of this.

Sadness stirs deep in my heart for the entire situation.
It's really really heartbreaking to think about.

No matter what anyone thinks or believes, 
each community needs to be treated with 
respect, dignity and kindness, 
absent of any agenda.  

1 comment:

  1. i like this...really like this. i guess i just wonder how that tricky balance of disagreeing works because it seems that one side of the conversation looses; if some people want a policy changed and majority don't....someone doesn't get what they want and how does peace continue on this carnal world? IF people disagree on a subject the conservative become a bigeot and unwelcoming...TRACY
