Saturday 26 January 2019

I went for a haircut yesterday.

A very nice young man cut my hair.
I told him I was growing it out 
and then he proceeded to cut it all off.
That was unfortunate.
But at least it's an ok hair cut.

In his defence, it might have been my fault as I got him talking about his passion for a role playing game and asked about his comic-con opinions.  Sometimes I think it's my fault when I don't get what I ask for at the salon because I get so interested in my hair stylist that maybe they forget what I asked for??

Before I go to get my hair cut I tell myself

"Don't talk to much."
"Remember to be quiet."

Every time.
I seriously do this.
And I never listen to myself.

Ah well.
It's only hair.

Jon has been out of town for work a lot this month so that has meant I have the car during the week.
Something that has been very appreciated by me and my kids during this cold snap.  Walking to school in -37 sounds horrible.
Next week we are back to walking so I'm hoping this cold snap turns into a warm bend??  That's a thing, right?

We have been a one vehicle family for a little over a year now and I love how it has forced me to change the pace of my life.  Walking and biking everywhere changes how I make plans and what I do.  Everything about my life is more calm, prayerful & peaceful when I don't have the car.  The INSTANT I have the car during the day I am BUSY!  It's amazing all the stuff I squeeze into one day with 4 wheels at my disposal. 

So as much as walking to school in -37 will suck, 
I am glad to not have the car this week.

Do you ever look at where your produce comes from?
I do.
All the time.
What strikes me the most is that I live in a part of Canada covered in snow & ice, and sitting on my counter are kiwis, bananas,oranges and apples.  The only reason I have all this fresh produce is because of airplanes, boats, trains and trucks.  
Some farmer in Morocco packaged up some pretty little oranges in a wooden crate and shipped them across an ocean.  
I have kiwis from Italy!  Did you even know kiwis grow in Italy?  
I think this is amazing.
Followed closely behind this thinking are thoughts of global warming and what impact transporting Kiwi's from Italy takes.

Do I really need kiwis from Italy?

Oranges from Morocco?

No, but it sure is nice.

Now, if I was TRULY committed to saving the earth what I would need to do is plant an orchard, do a lot of canning and live like Canadian's a hundred years ago.  Canned cherries, deteriorating apples from the cellar and applesauce.  Or! I need an earth ship and just grown everything I'm eating on a wall.  No joke.  Earth ships seem awesome and if Jon and me had a bazillion dollars we would totally be moving south and build one.  Google earth ships and be amazed.

Another tid-bit, Jon and me would be preppers, again, if we had a bazillion dollars.  But not crazy preppers.  More like sane people with a bunker and an underground hydroponic garden running on a generator in case of an electro magnic pulse and all the electricity goes out. That sounds sane right????

At least 2 times a year I find OLD cookbooks at our local thrift store and I buy them.   Because they are FASCINATING!!
What usually happens is I buy the book, look at all the recipes and then google the author of the book to learn the history of the cookbook. Most of the old cookbooks have a great history behind them and it's so fun to learn about how a book came to be. But because I live in 800 square feet, keeping all the books I thrift is not an option, so I give them back to our MCC thrift store.  And because I have a sieve for a memory and the information is pretty much useless, I forget most of it.

That was a good story.

I think I will sign of now.
Happy Saturday everyone!

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