Monday 7 March 2016

Sweet promises of spring coming!
I love premature puddles.

It seems way to early in March to have the snow melt but I am not complaining.  I love it!

We burned our Christmas tree yesterday.  It burned much better than the tree we had last year.

This morning we walked Naveed to school.
It took us 40 minutes (it usually takes 20) but I needed to move.
Sitting on my ass for so many days in a row was getting to me and I felt better this morning.

And I must be getting better because I am not passed out on my back at this moment.

I am looking forward to this week.

I am taking Nav out of school on Thursday so we can join some of our homeschool friends on a trip to the Children's Museum in Winnipeg.

I am hopeful that more walks will take place this week and meandering with Rohk in the spring will always and forever be one of my favourite things.

On the menu this week is a soup recipe out of my Jerusalem cook book.  I have never made it before and I am excited to try it.

(They made a "couch")

My life is a beautiful mess.
There are lots of heavy things going on that are not mine to share but there is so much glorious beauty in spite of it all.

My history professor in bible college was amazing.  He was so invested in his field of study.  I took a class with him every single semester I was at school.  I'm sure I was a great disappointment of a student.  I would write a paper or two that were stellar and then sort of try on the next few papers and barely pass on my exams. I was there for the friends people. Anyway! My professor.  His lectures were often memorable.

One that has stayed with me for years was a lecture he gave on Martin Luther.  What I remember is that Martin Luther failed often but that never stopped him from trying again.

Great people fail, pick them selves up and try again.

I suppose "great" is a relative term.
I choose to think of greatness in terms of relationships.
Not money or possessions or accomplishments.

At the end of this life, I want the people I love the most to know how much I loved them.  That they were valued and adored and cherished and worthy of my time and energy.

It sounds a lot easier to do than it is.
It takes an amazing amount of discipline and selflessness and being counter-culture in a lot of ways.

Today on the way home from dropping off Naveed, Rohk requested the long way home so he could slide on more frozen puddles.
How could I say no to more frozen puddles?!

Naveed loves going on dates with just one of her parents.  
We happily oblige her!  Bring on the swimming pool and doughnuts from Tim's after.  
It's her dream parent date every time.

Jon has a physically demanding job and comes home exhausted most days.  I do my very best to have a meal ready for him when he get's home.  Sometimes this means leaving fun coffee dates early or not finishing any given chore I am working at.  It flies in the face of what an "equal" marriage might be to some people.  But I don't care.  I know it blesses my husband.

It's these small details that are beautiful to me and are so worthy of my time.  
I love my people.


  1. "At the end of this life, I want the people I love the most to know how much I loved them. That they were valued and adored and cherished and worthy of my time and energy".

    Beautiful! I needed this reminder today. I've been pondering the meaning of my life lots lately and it really boils down to what you just wrote. Love you friend. Have a great week. And yay for starting to feel a bit more energetic!

  2. Oh how far you have come my favourite true blooded redhead!!! Not that you were not here all along...we just take the long way home sometimes. You know. To slide on a few frozen puddles. And fun they are. Until we fall flat on our backs. And then those favourite people pick us up and bring us home. All puns intended (if indeed that is the true english term:)
