Saturday 13 February 2016

Hello All!   

I hope this Saturday post finds you enjoying a nice cup of something hot whilst you peruse the internet. 

I tried to think of a less dorky way of saying the previous sentence but alas, I could not come up with a different way.

And I just like using 'alas'.   It's such a good word.


 These are some of my favourite pictures from the last few days.

I really like having a camera.  
It is an entirely different experience taking pictures with a point and shoot vs an iPhone.

Thank you to the Niverville lady for selling me this camera at the very reasonable price of $10.

This was an interesting week for me.  There were some heavy things going on while simultaneously some lovely and life giving things.

Things.   Sorry.   That is amazingly vague.

Heavy things included me making actual commitments to 
people outside of my family.

I have not made an actual commitment in nearly a year so this 
was a big deal.

It induced a mild panic.

However, sometimes I just need to push past my fear.  I have been sitting and licking my wounds for long enough.   It feels like the right time to make a few commitments.

Guess what they are?!

Counselling for 1 hour, 5 times, before the end of April, to help our a lovely lady getting her counselling degree (really though, I am thankful for the space to process my life) and once a week, meeting with a spiritual director for 30ish minutes (although we for sure went later yesterday) for the next few weeks.

Very minimal in terms of my time and very much self-help.

I left each session this week feeling lighter, full of hope and knowing that God is with me.

It was a good week.

See.   Heavy and lovely.

I am taking a break from Instagram and Facebook.

Not for lent, just to clarify.

I just need to clear room in my mind and day for other thoughts.
I figure if I let you all know, than you can't have an expectation that I will be there.

You can find me here though.

Now it is time to attend to my family.   Pancakes for lunch, a trip to the dollar store and Spirited Away for family movie night.

Hoping your weekend is everything you need it to be.



  1. :) this is so much more gratifying to read than FB!

  2. i agree. i'd rather get this than Facebook stuff :)

  3. Love reading what you write. Was in fact thinking of you today quite spontaneously.... and then the pleasure of reading your thoughts.... have a most lovely week :)

  4. Kiera by the way :) :)
