Sunday 7 February 2016

My default parenting strategy is "let's create something".

If the kids are fighting - let's craft
If it's been a super fun day - let's paint
If we all are feeling mellow - let's draw
It's your birthday! - let's make your party decorations
If my kiddos are bored - let's glue anything we can find to paper
Sad - origami
Crazy hyper - baking
Hard day at school - sewing

You get the point.

We were all very bored on this particular evening so I actually bundled us all up, drove to the dollar store bought the supplies we needed.  Rohk embraces the abstract, Naveed painted dolphins and then painted over them.   I made a cloud out of googly eyes attached to a land of pom-poms.  

It was a nice evening and we weren't bored any more!

Hope your weekend has been fantastic.   Cheers to a happy Monday!


  1. I love seeing your kids doing these tactile activities. I also extra commend you as I know how messy and time consuming the clean up can be, most of us just plunk our kids down in front of a screen because it's "easier". However when I see the joy on Naveed's face when she's baking or the intensity on Rok's face when he's creating, it makes me realize the unmeasurable advantage you are giving your children! Lucky kids, Amazing mother!

    1. You always make me cry when you comment on my blog!! Thank you so much sweet cousin. This means so much to me.

  2. I agree with Heather. You will be so happy when you look back after they grow up and remember the fun times that you had with them and have no regrets that you didn't invest time in their lives. It takes a lot of time and effort to do what you do and I admire you.

    1. Thank you so much aunty. You are so kind and your words are so encouraging, always. BIG HUG
