Tuesday 15 April 2014

So.  I am still playing catch up from going away a few weekends ago.

The week before my trip I was getting ready to leave my kids and husband and pack.  That week was a write off.

Last week was playing catch up from the week before and the weekend and getting stuff ready for a big meeting with the bankruptcy trustees.

This week I don`t have a clue what I am doing half the time!  My dishes are half done.  My laundry is half done.  My children had their hair washed but I did not wash their bodies.  (For real.  Half washed children.)
My menu for the week is a half-assed attempt.  

But this is just life.  Sometimes it runs smoothly, and sometimes things get half done.
I have to make my peace with imperfections sometimes.  Especially when I want everything to run smoothly and for life to be how I envision it in my head.

It annoys me horribly that my house is a constant mess.  But I don`t want to live in a constant state of annoyance and irritability because it won`t stay clean.  That does not work anyone in my family, me included.

So today, of the huge list I have in my head of things to get done, I might get a quarter of it done.  I will call today a success if I put away Rohk`s folded laundry, do reading with Naveed, finish the dishes and make supper.  Even this short list seems like an impossibility.  Because I want to go thrifting today and bake cookies and clean up the yard as well.

Oh priorities.

In all likelihood my day will consist of a trip to the local thrift store, washing some (but not all) my dishes, not putting away Rohk`s laundry, doing reading with Naveed and play doh with Rohk, baking cookies and making supper.

That will be my day.  I like that list much better.
I am so glad you were here to figure that all out with me!  ;)

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